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  • Disillusioned Billionaire: Clean Billionaire Sweet Romance (The Irish Billionaires Book 3) Page 4

Disillusioned Billionaire: Clean Billionaire Sweet Romance (The Irish Billionaires Book 3) Read online

Page 4

  “No darling, you don’t. You never did. Even back when I was a young thing. It takes a special sort of marriage to survive the pressures of Hollywood.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Maybe it’s easier if you’re both actors.”

  “From what I’ve read, that’s not always the case.”

  “Oh Gertie, ignore me. I’m just being foolish. Conor is right. I have everything any man could dream about.”

  “But you don’t have real love. I mean, you’re luckier than most, you have your parents and your siblings.”

  “Be grateful for what I have, is what you’re saying,” Declan replied

  “Sort of. Some don’t have their parents. Emily, for example.”

  “Yeah, it was rough her losing her parents like that. Why didn’t her brother come to the wedding?”

  “That’s a subject for another day. Now go on, tell me to my face you don’t want to find someone like my Emily. Or her friend, Carrie. Someone to enjoy your life with, settle down and have a family.”

  Declan pulled at his shirt, wishing he had taken the red eye flight out of here as planned.

  “Stop squirming and answer me.”

  “Gee, Gertie you don’t know when to stop do you?”

  “My wife is like a dog with a bone, especially when it comes to meddling in other people’s lives. I was quite happy as a bachelor, you know,” Joe Johnston said as he joined them.

  “Piffle. You were not,” Gertie said as her husband smiled at her.

  “No, guess I wasn’t. I didn’t know what I was missing until you disappeared off with Conor for those weeks.”

  The couple exchanged a peck on the cheek. It gave Declan an excuse to leave.

  “I shall leave you lovebirds to do your thing. I have some calls to make.”

  “Declan darling, don’t be a stranger. Why don’t you come out to dinner with us tonight?” Gertie asked.

  “Thank you but I don’t—”

  “Great, we will pick you up at 6 p.m. It’s casual.”

  Declan didn’t get a chance to say anything. Gertie was pushier than any producer he’d met. She was so demanding. Still, he hadn’t any plans for dinner so a quiet night with the old couple might be relaxing. It was certainly a change from his usual routine.

  Chapter 14

  Zoe pulled up at the store, still hassled over her tax worries. She wished she could have dumped the worries along with the paperwork she dropped off at the accountant’s. She wandered around with her list, getting everything Kathy wanted. She exchanged a smile with a cute baby. His mom was at the counter in front of her. Zoe amused herself playing games with the infant who giggled in return. Then a man came in and the baby almost threw herself out of her mom’s arms.

  “Sorry babe, I forgot to tell you to get some pasta. I’m cooking tonight.”

  “You are? What did I do to deserve this treat?” the mother of the baby asked.

  “Can’t a man just show his woman he loves her?”

  “Absolutely. You can cook for me any time you want.”

  The man grinned before taking the baby and heading to pick out some noodles.

  “I struck gold the day I met him. He’s such a good dad,” the woman said to Zoe as she caught her staring. Zoe’s cheeks flushed, embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping on an intimate moment.

  “Seems like a good husband, too,” Zoe said. The woman looked at her husband with such a smile on her face, for a second Zoe was jealous. Not of the woman, but of her relationship. How much easier it would be if she had someone to share her life with? The lows as well as the highs. But there weren’t many men who would take on a baby brother. She’d learned that lesson the hard way.

  By the time she got through the checkout line, she was late. Setting the groceries on the passenger seat, she pressed her foot to the floor, knowing Kathy would be annoyed. She turned on some music and tried to put herself into a jolly mood. The last thing she wanted was for her aunt to know how bad things were.

  Declan sat playing with the spoon in his cup. When Gertie had invited him to dinner, he didn’t know it was at someone’s house. He thought they were going out to a restaurant. Kathy and her young daughters were lovely, but being surrounded by strangers was not his idea of fun.

  “Where is that niece of mine? The food will have gone cold.”

  Declan caught Gertie’s eye and mouthed “niece?” but the older woman ignored him.

  “I think you may have met her at the wedding, Declan. She was wearing a beautiful red dress. Oh where is she?” Kathy’s rhetorical question went unanswered.

  Declan glowered at Gertie but she didn’t seem to notice. The little old lady was playing matchmaker. He should be furious but… he wasn’t. He was looking forward to meeting Zoe again. Maybe this time he wouldn’t put his foot in his mouth.

  Chapter 15

  He wandered outside to the garden where he found a kid playing ball.

  “Can I join in?”

  “Sure. I’m Dom, short for Dominic. Too much girl talk for you, too?”

  Declan grinned. The boy was about ten, if that. Yet he sounded so jaded it was funny.

  “You’re good,” Declan said, after they’d shot a few baskets. “Do you play for the school team?”

  “Yeah the second team but I am trying out for the varsity team. I’d like to get a scholarship to college, but that won’t ever happen.”

  “Why not? You seem to have the talent.” Declan shot the ball to the net but missed.

  “Just because I can beat you, doesn’t mean I’m that good.”

  Declan laughed with genuine amusement. What was it about kids? They just said exactly what was on their mind. It was refreshing.

  “Has anyone ever told you, you look like that guy on TV?” Dom asked.

  “Couple of times,” Declan said, putting all his concentration on the hoop. He didn’t want to lie to the kid, but he didn’t want to tell the truth either. He knew the whole family would treat him differently if they knew who he was. He had already spotted Kathy’s daughter looking at him as if trying to work out where she’d seen him before.

  “Can you imagine being that rich? Like, you could buy the whole city or maybe even a starship. You could go to the moon.”

  “Is that what you would do?” Declan asked as the ball hit the hoop.

  “Yeah. I want to check out the whole Star Wars thing. I don’t believe we’re the only planet with people. Do you?”

  Declan hadn’t really thought about that. But looking at the kid, he seemed to be really interested. “I don’t know. I guess we haven’t explored space enough to be sure.”

  “You’re different.” The boy stood holding his ball looking at Declan.


  “Usually adults just ignore me when I ask questions like that, but you didn’t.”

  “Some people say it’s because I haven’t grown up yet. My mam would say that.”

  The kid’s face dropped. What had Declan said wrong? He didn’t get a chance to find out as they heard a whole pile of plates crash. Exchanging a look with the boy, Declan took a step toward the house.

  “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he asked Kathy.

  “Mom, you’re scaring us. What is it? Who was on the phone?” Lily, Kathy’s daughter asked.

  “It was Zoe. She’s okay, but it seems someone ran into her car. She’ll be another hour or so. The driver who hit Zoe hurt someone and she’s a witness so she has to stay to give a statement to the police.”

  Declan put his arm round Dominic’s shoulders as the boy looked at Kathy with fear. “It’s okay. She said Zoe is fine.”

  The kid didn’t say anything but continued to stare at Kathy, his eyes wide.

  “Want me to drive you to her?” Declan asked.

  “No, thank you, Declan. I can do that but could you look after Dominic for me please? Gertie and Joe are tired.”

  “Sure, I’d be happy to. I could take Dominic out for some pizza and come home later. Gertie can vouch for me, Conor
and I have known each other since we were younger than Dominic.”

  “Yes, Kathy, he is like Conor’s brother,” Gertie confirmed.

  ‘Thank you Declan, I would appreciate it and I am sure Dominic will love it. Be a good boy Dom.”

  Dominic nodded. Declan gave Gertie his cell number so she could call him when it was time to come back.

  Chapter 16

  Dominic showed him a couple of places, none of which looked too appetizing.

  “What about we head over to a place I saw on the way down here?”

  Dominic shrugged his shoulders. Declan picked a place he thought might distract him. He knew from meeting his friend’s kids back in Dublin that fancy ice creams, unlimited sodas and some cool music pretty much guaranteed a smile.

  He parked, putting on his sunglasses and pulling up his collar.

  “You trying to look like a gang member or something?” Dominic asked.

  Declan smiled but didn’t reply. He wasn’t about to tell the kid that he didn’t want his picture plastered all over the papers tomorrow.

  They walked into the pizza place and waited to be served. The server was distracted until she recognized Declan. He knew as soon as her eyes widened.

  “Can we have a private booth?”

  “This way.” She led them to their table. It was a wonder she didn’t walk into anything as she kept looking over her shoulder at him. It was time for an evasive maneuver.

  “Dominic, you check out the menu. I’m just going to the men’s room,” he said quickly as he followed the server.

  “Are you really Declan Malone?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am, but I’d really appreciate you keeping that to yourself. I’ll give you an autograph, take a picture, sign something for your mom. Whatever you want, but just keep people away from us please. The kid has had a shock. He doesn’t need to be inundated with strangers. I’ll pay you to cover the cost of the booths around us.”

  “Sure thing. Is he yours?”

  Sighing, Declan shook his head but he could just see the headlines now.

  She put a hand on his arm. “I promise you will eat in private. I can’t stand the way people want to know every little detail of your life. You go be with the kid. He looks sad.”

  Surprised to see her empathy, and immediately ashamed of himself for thinking the worst of her, he smiled.

  “Thanks Wendy.”

  “No probs.”

  He went back and sat down with Dominic.

  “Decided what you want yet?” Declan asked.

  “Man, this place is pricey. Are you sure it’s okay?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. You order whatever you want.”

  Declan picked up the menu, his mouth immediately watering as he saw the selection of foods on offer. If his agent saw him now, he would have twenty fits. Now that he was heading toward thirty, the camera wasn’t quite so forgiving if he ate too many calories, but as he looked over the menu, he knew it was going to be a cheat day.

  “I’m having this.” He pointed to the pizza, fries, and ice cream combo on the menu. Dominic’s eyes grew wider. “Do you know what you’re getting?” he asked Dom as the boy stared at the menu.

  “You bet, I’m starving.”

  Surprised by how much food the boy ordered, Declan assumed they would be taking home doggy bags, until Dominic started eating. Declan didn’t know where he put the food.

  Chapter 17

  They chatted like old friends. Declan was surprised Dominic was so comfortable chatting with adults, but then he found out the youngster spent a lot of time visiting his aunt at Flower Meadows.

  “I like talking to the old people. They are very interesting and tell some fascinating stories. Do you know Mr. Johnston was in Korea? And some of them even remember World War II.”

  “Do you want dessert?” he asked Dominic when some time has passed. Gertie had sent him a text message to say Zoe was home. “We could get something to go, if you wanted to head home. Your mom and dad must be worried about you.”

  “I don’t have any. It’s just me and Zoe.”

  Declan kicked himself. He should have realized that when Kathy didn’t mention parents. Why did his mouth engage before his brain? His teachers used to say he did that a lot, but he thought he had curbed the habit. Obviously he hadn’t.

  “Sorry man, I didn’t know.”

  “How could you?” the boy shrugged. “Zoe does a great job. For a big sister.”

  “I have a sister. She’s younger than me though.”

  “Lucky you. She doesn’t get to boss you around.”

  Declan snorted into his drink. “You haven’t met Caitlin. I think she was bossing us all around before she got out of the cradle.”

  “You got lots of brothers and sisters?”

  “One sister and four brothers.”

  “You’re lucky. I would love more brothers. Then Zoe wouldn’t be on my back all the time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She is always asking me about homework and studying. If I get into trouble with teachers at school, she goes nuts.”

  “She is doing her best. It can’t be easy working a job and looking after the two of you, I guess.” Declan didn’t want Dominic to think he was lecturing him. So he changed the subject.

  “How about I grab the check and we head back?”

  “Okay. Can we get a doggy bag?”

  “For what? You’ve eaten everything.” Declan was amazed. He was so full, he would have to hit the gym hard the next day.

  “I wanted to bring home a cookie for Zoe. She loves chocolate chip.”

  “We can do that.” Declan called Wendy over and asked for the check. When he pulled out his wallet to pay, Dominic’s mouth nearly hit the table when he saw the wad of bills. Declan cursed himself under his breath.

  “This should cover it,” he said, putting several large bills into her hand. “Do you need anything else?”

  Wendy shook her head, her wide eyes staring at the amount of money.

  “Thanks Wendy,” he said sincerely. She was the first server in a long time who hadn’t wanted a photo or a signed napkin. She was cool. He made a mental note to send her some tickets to his next premiere. If she didn’t want them, she was bound to know someone who could use them.

  Dominic trailed after him to the car.

  “You okay?” Declan asked.

  “Yeah. Just wondering what you do for a job. You left a lot of money back there.”

  “I work hard. I like to treat myself sometimes. Wendy did a great job, she deserved a reward too. They don’t get paid too well.”

  “I know. Zoe is always telling me I have to study harder or I’ll end up in a dead end job. But I have to take over the garage, so it’s not like I can be a doctor or something.”

  “What would you like to be?”


  “Come on, Dominic. If you could be anything in the world, what would you do?”

  “I’d be an astronaut,” he said, his eyes lighting up, “But if I couldn’t do that, I’d like to be a doctor.”

  Chapter 18

  Zoe sat on the sofa with her eyes closed. Her aunt, cousins and their friends meant well but she just wanted to be by herself. Now she had no car. What else would go wrong this week? In truth, she wanted to crawl into a ball and cry her eyes out. But she couldn’t do that here. She’d scare Kathy who was already upset.

  “You could have been killed. And all because of me. I was the one telling you to hurry up.”

  “I’m fine, Kathy. I was lucky.”

  “Listen to your niece, Kathy. It’s only a car. They can be replaced. It could have been worse.”

  Zoe sent Gertie a look of thanks. She knew Kathy worried about her, she loved Zoe and Dominic, saying often that they were all she had left of her sister.

  She raised her hand slightly and saw it was still shaking. Her eyes caught Gertie staring at her, a mixture of pity and respect in her gaze. She closed them again just as Gertie changed the

  “How much longer do you think Declan will be?”

  Declan? A light went off in Zoe’s head and she moaned. It couldn’t be the same guy as the one she had danced with. Her luck couldn’t be that bad. She had embarrassed both of them at the wedding by walking off the dance floor.

  “If I head home, could one of you drop Dominic off for me please?”

  “Nonsense, you can’t walk home. Look at the state of you. Both of you will stay here tonight.”

  “I can’t do that, Kathy. I’ve got customers to see to tomorrow at the garage.”

  “Jim will be there, won’t he? He can handle things for once. He’s worked there long enough.” Kathy had the mulish look on her face. She wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  Zoe squirmed. She didn’t want to upset her aunt, but the last thing she needed was to stay here tonight.

  The front door bell rang, taking the focus from her.

  “Here he is. Oh my, have you grown in size since you left?” Kathy teased Dominic before giving him a hug.

  “He should have, given how much he ate. He must have hollow legs,” Declan joked.

  That voice. It was him. She pushed her hair back, hoping her face wasn’t covered in streaky makeup. She had washed up after her initial crying fit, but hadn’t paid too much attention to how she looked.

  “Zoe.” Dominic flew at her, jumping onto the sofa beside her giving her a huge hug. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him against her with all her strength. Her little brother. She’d been so worried about what would happen to him if she were hurt, or worse. He’d been through so much already.

  “You’re hurting me,” he squealed. She let him go with a smile.

  “Sorry Dom. I’m just glad to see you.”